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Selling the "Originals"

With a little sadness, the decision is made to sell our original Boer Commercial herd.

Devon and I searched far and near to put together

a meat goat herd for a number of years. Buying 6 here, 2 there, 4 again over there took some time to get a large (100+) herd developed. The commercial goats produced good quality meat and a profit. With a meat market (PAYS Auction Barn, Billings, MT) and breeders in Montana and Wyoming purchasing our doelings, we never lacked for buyers. We will miss the pretty red headed white bodied Boers but look forward to a consistent, uniform herd with the Savanna goats. The Savanna breed has taken the place of the Boer and Spanish on our ranch. We hope to capitalize on the healthier, more worm resistant, and better mothering instincts of the Savannas. Our plan involves raising registered Savanna goats for breeding stock and meat.

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